February is known as the month of LOVE . Sixty percent of men and women in the U.S. spent over 22 billion dollars on cards and gifts this year to express their love for one another.
It’s kind of funny to watch how many men scramble around the day before, or the day of Valentine’s Day looking for flowers or chocolates and the perfect card that someone else wrote to show their sweetheart “how much they care”.
It’s rumored that I might have been one of those men once or twice over the past 40 years.
But what happens after the card has been read, the flowers die and the chocolates are gone? What can we do that will have a lasting impact on our loved ones?
Well, here is a timely idea: February also happens to be INSURE YOUR LOVE month. Brand new data from Lifehappens.org has revealed Americans have entered 2021 with a new outlook on life, love and life insurance.
Key Findings:
· 71% of Americans value the little things in life more than ever because of the COVID- 19 pandemic.
· 3/4 of Americans said it’s important to get their finances in order this year.
· 58% of Americans said COVID-19 has drastically changed which milestones they’d like to accomplish in life with Financial Security rated as the #1 goal.
· 65% of Millennials said this past year was the first time they spoke to their loved one about life insurance.
If any these findings resonate with how you are feeling about life and love, what better gift could you give to those you love than the assurance that they will be financially secure if your life is cut short?
Call us today and let’s talk about Insuring your LOVE.
Will Adamczyk is a Certified Financial Planner with Ramsburg Insurance & Financial Services, he focuses on Retirement Planning and Financial Wellness. For more information visit Be Well Health & Wealth Advisors.