This April 22nd is Earth Day's 45th Anniversary! You can make a difference. These small acts can make a big impact, and guess what, they're really easy! Let’s show our planet appreciation not just one day a year but everyday! #EarthDayEveryDay
1. Turn off the water - Turn off the water and fill up a cup while you brush your teeth. Turn off the water while you lather in the shower or wash your hands. These simple actions can save thousands of gallons of water each year.
2. Turn off the lights - When exiting a room, turn off the lights. This can reduce your energy consumption tremendously. Do this at your office or child’s school as well. Using energy-saving bulbs will also conserves energy.
3. Slaying Vampire Energy - Every year billions of kilowatt hours of electricity in homes are wasted by appliances that aren't on but are still consuming energy. Wondering how can you reduce the amount of electricity you waste in your home? Here are a few simple steps you can follow:
- Unplug appliances and chargers that consume vampire energy when they are not in use.
- When old appliances die, replace them with new energy efficient appliances. (Look for Energy Star appliances)
- Ask to join your local power company’s “Smart Meter” program to track your energy usage in real time
- Try to use appliances that consume a lot of energy (such as dishwasher, laundry, etc.) during off-peak hours
4. Give Green Gifts - A great way to spread green love is through an eco-friendly gift. Give the gift of a great experience that complements the recipient’s interest or hobby. Memberships to a museum, aquarium or zoo, a donation to a favorite green charity or enrollment in a healthy living/green cooking class are examples of great green gift ideas. Who doesn’t love receiving a gift!
5. Think before you print - With increased access to smart phones, iPads and laptops, oftentimes a hard copy is just not necessary for coupons, boarding passes, etc.. Switching subscriptions and bill receipts to be sent via email only is another great way to lessen paper waste.
6. Adjust Your Water Heater - Did you know the average water heater wastes energy heating water to temperatures that are too hot for human use? Adjust your thermostat today! Most water heaters are set to heat water to 140⁰, which is excessively hot. The average person can’t use water that is warmer than 120⁰F without getting burned. So why not turn the thermostat down, lower your utility bill and help reduce your home’s carbon footprint.
7. End Junk Mail - Each year, more than 100 million trees are chopped down to make the paper for junk mail. In the United State alone, nearly 4 million tons of junk mail are produced each year. The average adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail each year and 44% of that mail goes directly to the landfill unopened. Take action to help reduce the amount of junk mail you receive.
DMAchoice.org - An online tool developed to help you manage your mail. Here you can request to start or stop receiving mail from individual companies, or from entire sets of companies
CatalogChoice.org – This site helps you opt out of catalogs, coupons, credit card offers, phone books, circulars and more.
41pounds.org – For a small fee, they will personally contact 20-30 direct mail companies and stop the majority of bulk mail that comes to your home every day.