Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), started November 15, 2014 and ends February 15, 2015. During the open enrollment period you can enroll, switch plans, and possibly obtain premium subsidies. Open enrollment is the only time of year you can get a major medical plan that counts as minimum essential coverage in the individual and family market without qualifying for a special event enrollment period. This is true both inside and outside the health insurance marketplace.
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• If you decide not to enroll for health insurance for 2015 there is a tax penalty equal to the greater of 2% of your income or $325.00 person, to a max of 3 per family. The penalty in 2014 was the greater of 1% of income or $95.00 per person.
• The only way to avoid the penalty for not having insurance is to obtain minimum essential coverage and maintain it throughout the year or to qualify for an exemption.
• To avoid the fee moving forward you’ll need to maintain coverage for each month throughout the year, although you are allowed a grace period of up to three months in a row without coverage.
• If you miss the deadline to sign up for health insurance you may still have options. A change in your life can make you eligible to qualify for a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in health coverage. Examples of qualifying life events are moving to a new state, certain changes in your income, job loss and changes in your family size (for example, if you marry, divorce, or have a baby)
For those with coverage in 2014 who do nothing may be surprised that their plan was automatically renewed. The Wall Street Journal reported the Obama administration decided this summer it would automatically renew coverage for everyone who doesn't come back to the site by December 15.
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